Press the notes to remove them
sum of the 4 corner numbers
corner number 1: 1000
corner number 2: 200
corner number 3: 30
corner number 4: 4
Big Confidence to lead when called upon
down movements into
smaller more coachable points
which helps when
down programming tasks
Being a leader taught me to see others perspective more clearly
Following the team motto
Laget före Jaget
which is directly translated to:
Team before Me
makes everyone a better teammate
Take a well deserved 5 minute break and do my scavenger hunt to unlock my email and phone number
Go to scavenger huntIf you want to get a sense of what kind of content I will be authoring later, you can read two sections of my thesis report that came out quite well :)
Why I choosed CUBE CSS for the Erudize's frontend stack
A metaphor of why I think partaking in time estimation is a waste of time and rarely has value
However the thesis report is in Swedish as that was a requirement, I tried using the translate feature in google chrome and it did not do the best job, but it might give you a gist of the content